Each classroom is arranged by interest areas and creatively organized to foster growth, imagination, creativity, and independence.
Teachers design weekly lesson plans for each classroom to meet the children’s interests and needs. Activities are planned through centers which include science, dramatic play, language arts, music, art, blocks, and more. Daily reports posted outside the classroom detail the children’s learning experiences and activities. Parental involvement is always encouraged.
Infant Room
Age Group: 6 weeks to approximately 14 months
Children in the Infant room have varying developmental skill levels. If your child starts in the Infant Room, your child will likely be walking or starting to walk prior to the first transition.

Pink Room
Age Group: approximately 14 months to 24 months
Children in the Pink Room are usually walking, some better than others. The children in the Pink Room are also drinking from sippy cups, eating solid foods at lunch time, taking one nap during the day, beginning to adjust to a daily schedule/routine, working towards drinking from an open cup, and beginning to use verbal communication skills. Unfortunately, children in the Pink Room are in the age group where biting begins; however, teachers use strategies to minimize biting incidents.

Blue Room
Age Group: approximately 24 months to 30 months
The children in the Blue Room continue to strengthen verbal skills, develop motor skills and “learn by doing.” Children usually are able to drink from open cups, which can lead to some accidents. Potty training can begin in the Blue Room. Unfortunately, children in the Blue Room happen to be in an age group where biting is a common age appropriate behavior; however, teachers use strategies to minimize biting incidents.

Yellow Room
Age Group: approximately 30 months to 36 months
By the time a child is transitioned into the Yellow Room, he/she is continuing to develop social skills. The Yellow Room is set up to help children continue to grow in independence. The children will also learn many songs and finger plays. Potty training, if children are not already trained, will begin in the Yellow Room. Unfortunately, children in the Yellow Room are also in an age group where biting is a common age appropriate behavior; however, teacher use strategies to minimize biting incidents.

Green Room
Age Group: approximately 2.5 years to 4 years
When your child is transitioned into the Green Room, he/she must be potty trained. The Green Room focuses on teaching responsibility and learning by concentrating on various themes. The toys, decoration, and activities revolve around various themes, such as dinosaurs, snow, patriotism, animals, etc. In terms of responsibility, the children pick a daily “job” (sweeper, sprayer or assistant, for example) upon arrival each day. The children are also encouraged to use their self-help skills by setting the tables for lunch, preparing their areas for naptime, and cleaning up toys. Biting begins to wane at this age.

Red Room
Age Group: approximately 3.5 years to 5 years
When children enter the Red Room, they begin their journey to school readiness. As the children continue with thematic units and improve their self-help skills using the High-Scope Approach — they add new words to their speaking vocabulary, recognize what print is, make simple decisions and choices, talk about personal experiences, describe items, and initiate conversations with others. A significant amount of time is spent encouraging the children to show self-confidence, make good choices, and get along with peers in a group setting. This classroom is designed to prepare your child to be academically, socially, emotionally, and physically ready to tackle the expectations of school.