Church Council 2024
Chair of Church Council: Lee Haynes (2025)
Lay Leader: Kimberly McAlister (2025)
Lay Members of Annual Conference: Licia and Grant Jackson (2024), Sam Waldrep (2025), Debra & Ben Schooler (2025), Carol Fowler, alternate (2025)
Chair of Trustees: Pete Liggett (2024)
Chair of Finance Committee: Joe Epting (2025)
Financial Secretary: Robbie Douglas (staff)
Chair of Staff/Pastor Parish Relations: Lee Smith (2024)
Chair of Foundation Trustees: Kelly Epting (2026)
Recording Secretary: Charlotte Broome (2026)
Membership Secretary: Chip Williams (2026)
Church Historian: Mike Broome
Treasurer: Neal Foster
Chair of Communications Team: Lynn Shirley (2025)
CDC Board Chair: Susan Hefelfinger (2025)
Age-Level Coordinator: Swann Adams (2026)
Community Life Coordinator: Mary Lide (2024)
Church & Society Coordinator: Cindy Cox (2025)
Worship Coordinator: Sam Waldrep (2025)
United Women in Faith Chairperson: Debra Schooler (2026)
Members at Large: Janet Cotter (2026), Jim Apple (2026)
Senior Pastor: Becky Shirley
Associate Minister: Alston Lippert
Ex-Officio Members:
Director of Family Ministries: Rev. Kathy James
Director of Communications: Jane Peterson
Director of Music Ministries: Dr. Catherine Nance
Ministry and Support Teams
Age-Level Ministries — (Children’s Ministries, Youth Ministries, Adult Small Groups, and Sunday School Classes)
Swann Adams, Coordinator; Dane Waund; Mary Slade; Marshall Robinson; Debra Schooler
Child Development Center Board — Susan Hefelfinger, Chairperson (2025) Class of 2025: Erin Oehler, Susan Hefelfinger, Jim Laughlin
Class of 2026: Kathy Wright, Alisa Liggett
CDC Director: Felicia Yockel
Church Business Administrator: Robbie Douglas
Senior Pastor: Becky Shirley
Church Staff Liaison: TBA
Church & Society Ministries
Cindy Cox, Coordinator (2025)
Active Faith Team — Deborah Rowe, Chairperson
Missions & Advocacy Team — Andrea McAtee, Chairperson
Racial Justice Action Team — Nancy Whittle, Chairperson
Reconciling Next Team — Jim Lane, Chairperson
Soup Cellar Ministry Team — Robbie Douglas, Chairperson
Welcome Table Team — Lee Haynes, Chairperson
Communications & Technology – Lynn Shirley, Chairperson (2025), Pato Aravena, Grant Jackson, Tracy Powers, Ed McClain, Eleanore Langley, Jane Peterson
Community Life Ministries — (Funeral Visitation Receptions, Kitchen Hospitality, Day Trippers, Gracious Goodness, Card Ministry, Family Ministry Events) Mary Lide, Coordinator (2024), Heidi Conte, Deborah Rowe, Karen Deas
Finance Committee — Joe Epting, Chairperson (2025)
Robbie Douglas (Financial Secretary)
Neal Foster (Treasurer)
Kimberly McAlister (Lay Leader)
Lee Haynes (Church Council Chair)
Lee Smith (Chair of SPPRC)
Kelly Epting (Chair of Foundation)
Pete Liggett (Trustee Rep)
Jamie Gerald (Chair of Good Samaritan Committee)
Mike Broome (Member at large)
Foundation Trustees — Kelly Epting, Chairperson (2027)
Class of 2024: Chip Williams, Melinda Gibson
Class of 2025: Lanneau Lide, Robert Peeler, Sr.
Class of 2026: Harvey Jessup, Ricky Rowe
Class of 2027: Kelly Epting, Thorne Barrett
Trustees Chair: Pete Liggett, Foundation
Treasurer: Ed Fisher
Finance Committee Chair: Joe Epting
Nominations and Leadership and Development
Pastor: Becky Shirley
Lay Leader: Kimberly McAlister
Class of 2025: Ricky Rowe, Lynn Shirley
Class of 2026: Beth Robinson, Susan Luthren, Thom Berry
Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee — Lee Smith, Chairperson (2024)
Class of 2024: Pam Jenkins, Lee Smith
Class of 2025: Ann Jessup, Hal Hanlin, David Anderson
Lay Leader: Kimberly McAlister
Lay Delegate: Carol Fowler
Trustees — Pete Liggett, Chairperson (2024)
Class of 2024: Janet Cotter, Mike Conte, Susan Brown, Pete Liggett
Class of 2025: Sally Mings, Marshall Robinson, Neal Woods
Class of 2026: Charles Garren, Ray Cobb
Worship — Sam Waldrep, Chairperson (2025)
Worship Arts — Sam Waldrep, Chairperson
Music Ministries — Dr. Catherine Nance
Altar Guild – Susan Caskey
Usher Captain — Susan Luthren
Baptism Coordinator – Eleanore Langley
Acolyte Coordinator — Susan Brown
Children’s Moments — TBA
A/V Tech — Lynn Shirley
Communion Stewards — Cathy Hooker, Eleanore Langley
Wedding Coordinators — Shelley Stafford, Elizabeth Aravena