Sunday, December 11
11:00 am—Children’s Nativity (Sanctuary). A special part of our Sunday service. IF YOU HAVE A CHILD INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING, PLEASE CONTACT ANDREA MCATEE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AT [email protected] or 803-727-9518. We will rehearse during the Sunday School hour on Sunday, Dec. 4.
12:00 pm—Créche Display (Christ Chapel). Immediately following the service with light refreshments.
Sunday, December 18
11:00 am—Christmas Cantata (Sanctuary). A special Sunday morning musical event conducted by Nicholas Todd Shumate featuring the WSUMC choir.
Saturday, December 24
The cast includes:
Narrators: Joe Epting, Rev. Becky Shirley
Mary: Michelle Graham
Joseph: Joseph Graham
Angel: Leila Jackson
Elizabeth: Licia Jackson
Zecharia: Grant Jackson
Shepherd: Dr. Michael Oehler
Sheep: Isabel Oehler
Neighbor: Travis Luthren
Wise Men: Alan-Jon Zupan, Malcolm Lemons, Nicholas Todd Shumate
Costumes: Susan Caskey, Sam Waldrep
Musical Direction: Nicholas Todd Shumate
Director: Jane Peterson
5:30 pm—Candles, Communion & Carols (Sanctuary)
Sunday, December 25
11:00 am—Christmas Service
CRISMONS…What are they?
What are Chrisma or Chrismons?
by Karen Lowrimore
A Chrismon is a symbol to show the story of God’s plan for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Chrismon comes from the combination of CHRISt and MONogram.
The Chrismon tree is never complete unless those who see it understand its meaning.
First, the tree: the evergreen tree symbolizes the eternal life our Savior has won for us. It serves as a background of tiny white lights and white and gold Chrisma. The lights speak of Him Who is the Light of the World, and the Chrisma proclaim the Name, the Life, and the saving Acts of Jesus the Christ. Some Chrisma are the simple copies of symbols of Christianity from its earliest days; others are new explanations of God’s never changing presence in our ever-changing world; and some are combinations of several elements, old and new.
The Crown proclaims the Kingship of our Lord; His victory over sin and death; His place at the right hand of God the Father. The Crown indicates the consecrated role of its wearer. Some Bible references are
I Timothy 6:15, Revelation 14:14, and Romans 8:34.
There are many historic cross shapes on the Chrismon tree. The Cross is always a reminder of our Lord’s saving work of redeeming mankind through His sacrifice for our sins, by which we receive forgiveness and salvation. Different forms of the cross point to various aspects of our Savior’s work.
LATIN CROSS: the most widely used form today. This is the main representation of the cross on which Christ was crucified. If displayed upside down it is called St. Peter’s Cross because he was reputedly executed on this type of cross. When displayed sideways it is called St. Philip‘s cross for the same reason.
CROSS WITH ORB: Artists often show our Lord holding a cross-topped orb. The earth and heaven in the Lord’s hands; the world united in Christ.
TAU CROSS: The “T” shape suggests Moses’ staff and evokes the Messianic promises.
SERPENT ON TAU CROSS: The bronze serpent on the staff by which the Lord saved Israel; A type of crucifixion. Bible references for this symbol: Numbers 21:9 and John 3:14.
CELTIC CROSS: The nimbus, or circle, on this cross has debated meaning over the years. The most popular meaning, and perhaps the most practical, is that the nimbus adds strength to the crossbeam. This would prevent breaking when the cross was used as a cemetery marker. The name “Celtic Cross” is a convention of the Celtic Revival of the 19th century.
JERUSALEM CROSS: Also known as the five-fold cross, this symbol was an emblem on the coat of arms for the Kingdom of Jerusalem from the 1280’s. Today the meaning references the five wounds of our Lord. Another modern meaning is that the prophecies (Taus) climaxed in Jesus’ crucifixion near Jerusalem (represented by the large cross). Since then Christians have carried the Gospel to the four corners of the world (smaller, corner crosses).
The Sun and Stars
SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: About twenty four hundred years ago, the prophet Malachi compared the Messiah to the sun, the brightest thing in his, or our, world. A representation of the sun which is centered with our Lord’s monogram recalls the prophecy, “For you who fear my name the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings.” Malachi 4:2
Stars are formed by crosses set at various angles; they show the relationship between the birth and death of our Redeemer. The number of points that a star has may indicate a specific meaning.
FOUR POINTS: Know as the Star of Bethlehem or natal star.
FIVE POINTS: Epiphany Star; Our Savior; manifestation of the Son. Bible reference is Matthew 2:1-11
SIX POINTS: Creator’s Star; The Father; the six day of creation
SEVEN POINTS: Gifts of the Spirit; The Holy Spirit. Bible reference is Revelation 5:12
EIGHT POINTS: Holy Baptism; Regeneration. Bible reference is I Peter 3:20-21
Advent Small Groups
Rev. Alston Lippert will be leading an Advent Small Group based on the sermons and the theme words for Advent. It will take place on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 in person in the John Harper room, and again at 7:00 on Zoom starting on November 30th. Please email Rev. Alston at [email protected] to sign up for either class or register through Realm: ONLINE or IN-PERSON. The class runs through Dec. 21.
Ann Jessup is leading a Wednesday night online Small Group starting on Nov. 30 entitled The Names for the Messiah. To participate, please email Ann at [email protected].