Washington Street United Methodist Church (WSUMC) is presenting a spiritual drama as its Maundy Thursday Service. This special dramatic presentation, In the Upper Room, will be held in Threatt Hall on Thursday, April 14, at 7:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public. Masks are optional.
In the Upper Room, written by Georgianna Summers tells the story of The Last Supper. The drama is narrated by Rev. Becky Shirley, who will portray Sophia, the newly converted Christian; and WSUMC member Cody Lidge, who will portray John-Mark, one of Jesus’ followers. As Sophie asks questions about the events taking place around her (the preparation of the table), John-Mark tells the story of the 12 disciples and how they came to follow Jesus. As the story unfolds, the audience watches the scene take place on stage with Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, and the preparation for the meal at the Last Supper. Local actor, Kashaad Kraus is portraying Jesus, and the disciples are being played by Washington Street members and friends: Lee Smith as Simon, Rev. Alston Lippert as Thaddeus, Sam Waldrep as Matthew, Joseph Graham as Phillip, Richard Shirley as James Major, Alan-Jon Zupan as Thomas, Chris Peterson as John, Jay Parmley as Peter, Charles Garren as Judas, Chip Williams as Andrew, Tommy Betenbaugh as James Minor, and Mackin Wall as Bartholomew. Susan Caskey will act as stage manager for the production. In the Upper Room is directed by Jane Peterson.
There will be a brief service prior to the performance with a prayer of confession, hymn, and a solo with music led by Nicholas Todd Shumate, the Director of Music. Rick Frierson will accompany on piano. Communion will be offered during the performance. Individual elements will be provided. and is performed by WSUMC members and friends. All are welcome.