In a complex world, we can all be grateful for John Wesley’s General Rules as paraphrased by author Reuben Job in his book Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living: Do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.
These rules may be simple and easy to remember, but living by them can be hard. Fortunately, as a friend or member of Washington Street United Methodist Church, you are part of a supportive community committed to helping you live out your faith.
From November 6 – November 20, our Stewardship Campaign for 2023 will focus on the theme “Living Faith” and will highlight the ways that God is calling us to live out our faith as thoughtful stewards of our time, talents, and financial resources.
Please prayerfully indicate on the form below the financial tithe and offering you plan to give in support of WSUMC’s ministries in 2023.
This year we are also asking you to take some time to prayerfully review the church’s many volunteer ministry opportunities. The “Ministry Menu” lists a variety of ways you can live out your faith by volunteering your time and talent. The brochure has space for two individual adults/youth to indicate their interests. Additional copies of the financial giving pledge form and the Ministry Menu are available in the church office, in Sunday school classrooms, and in the Sanctuary. Ministry Menus specifically designed for children ages 4 through 5th grade are also available at the church and will be given to our youngest disciples in Sunday school.
As part of the service of worship on November 20th, as we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, we will include a special time of prayer and reaffirmation of our faith. During this portion of the service, we will invite everyone to bring their completed financial gift pledges and Ministry Menus to the altar for consecration. If you prefer, you may also return your completed forms in the offering plate or deliver them to the church business office at any time. Please contact the Main Office if you need additional forms.
Thank you for living faithfully as a good steward of God’s grace and blessings, and thank you for your generosity and commitment to Washington Street United Methodist Church.
Christine Hait, Stewardship Chair
Becky Shirley, Senior Minister
You may download both the Pledge Form and the Ministry Menu below.