The Girl Scouts of Troop 776
The Girl Scouts of Troop 776 celebrated 10 years in 2020 and would like to thank the members and staff of Washington Street United Methodist Church for all of the loving support provided over the last decade. It’s been an exciting, fun, educational, and rewarding experience to learn and grow into making the world a better place.
Started back in 2010, as a means of forming a community to keep friends together, the troop has been proud to boast a membership of up to 25 girls during a season from at least 10 schools in the Columbia area. Parent and volunteer involvement have been rich and steady. Experiences, challenges, and triumphs have been many. Camping, cooking, experimenting, creating art, sharing love, marketing, managing, selling, caring, designing, constructing, leading, helping, traveling, planning, studying, caring for the environment, communicating, and collaborating can all be added to the resumes of those who have been part of this special troop.
The group is currently not meeting due to Covid. For more information about Troup 776, please contact troop leader Heidi Conte at [email protected].