Join us on Sunday, Nov. 27 for our Advent Celebration in Threatt Hall. There will be crafts for children, youth, and adults including making Advent Wreaths.*
Fellowship, fun, and singing Christmas carols
*$10 cost per Advent Wreath kit
Pick up a signup form in the office or email Mary Lide at [email protected]
(Checks may be mailed to the church. Please write “Advent” in the memo field and the number of kits and/or meals wanted). You may also pay at the door.
Dinner Available
$5/adult and $2.50/child (3-11 years)
Baked potatoes, grilled cheese sandwiches, salad, cookies, and a drink
Greenery Donations Needed:
Drop off your “greenery” donations in Threatt Hall on Nov. 27.