Service Opportunities


The mission of Washington Street UMC calls us to show God’s love by making space for people of all abilities, reaching out to give everyone an opportunity to discover their unique skills and abilities and to use those gifts in ways that help others grow in faith, relieve poverty, bring healing and promote justice.

We believe that God created each of us on purpose for a purpose and we believe that the way God creates a loving and just world is through people of faith.  This means that each of us is created to make a positive difference and we can do so by using our unique gifts to impact others.

There are dozens of ways for you to get involved in making a difference in the world today. We invite you to look over the list of service opportunities listed below as you think about and pray over where and how you’d like to use your time and gifts to serve in God’s Kingdom.

 To volunteer for any of the service opportunities listed below or to find out more about any of them, or if you are not sure where you’d like to serve, contact our Associate Minister of Discipleship, The Reverend Kathy James (803-256-2417 or [email protected]). She’d love to help you identify your gifts and skills and help you get involved!


Acolytes Children must be at least 8 years old to be in the Acolyte program at WSUMC.  Acolytes play an active role in our Sunday morning worship services.  Special training is available for those who wish to assist with Holy Communion.  If your child would like to become an Acolyte, please contact the church office at (803)256-2417 or email us ([email protected]) so they can meet with our Acolyte coordinator, Susan Brown, for training and scheduling.

Communion Stewards We typically observe the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and at special services of worship throughout the year. We serve by intinction at two stations located near the communion rail. Lay volunteers are needed to help serve at both stations.

Liturgists – Assist the Pastors in leading the worship service by leading the congregation in reading the Call to Worship and the Affirmation of Faith during the 11 a.m. service of worship. Liturgists will serve on a rotating schedule.

Sound Board Operator – Help in person and livestream worshippers hear WSUMC’s worship services by operating the sound board. Experience is a plus, but not required; training will be provided.

Video Camera Operator Serve on Sunday morning and/or for special services by operating remote cameras for the livestream and for recording of the worship services. Experience is a plus, but not required; training will be provided.


Greeters Each Sunday morning greeters are located at various locations in the building to welcome people who are coming to join a Sunday morning class and/or to worship.  Many times, the Church Greeter is the first impression a guest has of our church. It is not required that you know the name of each person who enters the church sanctuary.  You don’t even have to recognize their face!  Just relax and enjoy the experience of meeting new people.  A smiling face, a handshake and a willingness to serve are all that is required to be a greeter. Greeters serve on a rotating schedule.

Ushers – Ushers are an important part of our worship service.  Like Greeters, sometimes the Usher is one of the first impressions a guest has of our church.  They also welcome every person who enters the Sanctuary, they distribute bulletins, help young children pick up an “activity bag”, and help those in need receive a hearing assistance device.  During the worship service, they receive the offering and on services when we observe the sacrament of Holy communion, they assist with the flow of worshippers moving to the communion table.  Ushers serve on a rotating schedule.

Assist with The WELL– The WELL is our once a month 30-minute worship service designed to be a place of Welcome, Encouragement, Laughter and Love especially suited for persons living with dementia or other cognitive impairments and their caregivers. The intent of the service is not to segregate these persons from the community, but to offer a place where they can connect with the whole body of Christ in this place. Volunteers are needed to greet and welcome worshippers, assist with singing and to work with the Pastors to set up and prepare the communion elements. The service is held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. in Christ Chapel.


Children, youth and vulnerable adults have a safe, inclusive place at Washington Street UMC to participate and contribute and we are committed to protecting and advocating for them. That’s why all staff and volunteers working with children, youth and vulnerable adults are required to go through our Safe Sanctuary Training Program. 

View our Safe Sanctuary Policy

Childcare Assist our paid nursery staff in providing care for our infants and youngest toddlers.

Children’s Music Help us re-start a time for children to learn to enjoy music through singing or ringing hand chimes.

Children’s Sunday School – Get to know our children by leading them and sharing with them during Sunday School.  Volunteers serve on a rotating basis.

Children’s Moment – Prepare and present a 2-3 minute story/lesson for the young children who attend the 11 a.m. service of worship. Resources are available to assist you in selecting and preparing the story/lesson and training is provided.

Children’s Church Be Lead the toddlers -first graders out of the Sanctuary immediately following the Children’s Moment message during the 11 am service of worship and then lead or assistant with providing care and sharing stories and fun with

Youth Ministry – Get to know our youth by working with them, teaching, and/or just hanging out. There are many opportunities available: Sunday mornings, fellowship groups, and special events.


Soup Cellar Ministry – Washington Street UMC compassionately provides this important food ministry program to ease the burden of food insecure individuals in our community. Opportunities to assist us in this ministry range from volunteering to be part of a team preparing sandwiches or soup, donating food items or funding for these items, and donating basic hygiene and health items like aspirin and travel size toiletries for the Soup Cellar’s “Littel Hygiene Pantry”.

The Circle of Welcome – Washington Street UMC has partnered with Lutheran Services Carolinas to provide a Circle of Welcome. A Circle of Welcome is a Global Refuge initiative designed to help New Americans adjust to their new lives in the U.S. It is a wonderful opportunity for groups to engage in the work of welcome. A Circle of Welcome team consists of 6-10 people who have committed to walk alongside a matched New American family for six months. In addition to assisting with all areas of acclimation, our teams are a welcoming group of friends who serve as an invaluable support system for their assigned families. Sample Activities for Circle of Welcome Teams:

  • Gather furnishings and supplies for the house
  • Stock the pantry with culturally appropriate foods
  • Provide seasonal clothing for family members according to their needs
  • Have fun together as you help the family learn more about their new community
  • Assist with transportation
  • Help with the development of conversational English 
  • Work on financial education and literacy

Welcome Table – Once a quarter our congregation pulls together to offer an “indoor dining” experience for food insecure persons.  These events provide opportunities for us to build relationships as we actively reach out to those experiencing poverty.  In addition to serving our guests a hot meal, Welcome Table events also include partnerships with local barbers who provide free haircuts for our guests, the distribution of health kits, blood pressure checks and referrals to local support service agencies.

Alcorn Middle School Partnership – Washington Street UMC has partnered with Richland School District One to be a school partner for the teachers, staff and families of Alcorn Middle School. Volunteer opportunities include tutoring and reading to the students and assisting us with purchasing and delivering school supplies and snack food items throughout the year.


Racial Justice Action Team (RJAT) – Seeking to help our congregation and community live out God’s call to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8), this team meets monthly to plan programs and events designed to help us live more fully as antiracists and love intentionally like Jesus in our everyday lives so that the city of Columbia looks more like the kingdom of God. Past programs have included a service of repentance and healing for the sin of racism in the church and a joining with Mom’s Demand Action for a march against gun violence. This team also sponsors an annual “Wear Orange” event raising awareness about gun violence and programs celebrating Black History Month.

Reconciling Next Ministry Team (RNM) – This team meets monthly to plan and implement programs and events designed to bear witness to the unconditional and inclusive love of the God-of-wide-embrace, known through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Past programs and events have included book discussions promoting understanding and inclusion, recognizing Transgender Day of Remembrance and partnering with area congregations to provide an annual service of worship designed to promote healing and hope to those who have been hurt by exclusionary practices and policies of the church universal. This team also co-sponsors with WSUMC’s Grace Sunday School Class the congregation’s participation in Columbia’s PRIDE parade and festival each October.


Prayer TeamLooking for a serve-from-home opportunity?  Join the prayer team! Prayer is how we communicate with God. In prayer, we share our hearts. We also pause to listen for wisdom and guidance.  Members of this team pray for our pastors, our staff, our members and over specific concerns submitted to the church online, during worship, or in person. When you volunteer to be a part of our prayer team, you will receive emails from our Prayer Ministry Coordinator every time requests for prayer are received.  

Church Office Assistant – The church office is open M-F from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and at times can be a very busy place. Volunteers in the office assist our church staff by receiving and greeting visitors, answering, and directing phone calls, receiving packages and assisting with preparing mailings. Volunteers serve on a rotating basis and can serve for either a 3 hour or 6-hour shift.